Awards & Citations


2019 Preservation & Design Award

City Of Evanston Preservation Commission

Recipient in the categories of:

  • Sensitive Addition / Alteration

  • Proper Rehabilitation / Restoration

    The jury appreciated maintaining the homes character by restoring historic materials and details while adding features which improve the integrity of the home. The masonry work on the front elevation, and the attention to its original condition, is impeccable and truly lovely. The front garden blends nicely with the architecture and softens the building from the street while seamlessly integrates it into the neighborhood. The alterations/additions to the rear-yard porch are an enormous improvement, adding balance to the rear façade. The rear-yard garden is understated, and quite appropriate for the period of original construction. The interior renovation looks exquisite, harkening back to a period of opulence and high-style the home likely hadn’t enjoyed for some time.

  • Click here for Before & After Pictures


Progressive Architecture


Eric Owen Moss - Architect

P & D Guest House


Progressive Architecture



Open House